Find Calm. Effortlessly.

Meditones help you feel calm and restful without having to do a thing.

No meditation needed! Just music that works...


Effortless Calm

Meditones® improve focus, calm overstimulation and help you switch off a busy brain. All you need are headphones.

Consistent Relief

Meditones® work every time. Nothing to learn and no need to practice. So they’re perfect if you can't meditate.

Beautiful Music

Meditones® are binaural beats combined with ambient music. Scientifically proven to help you sleep better, reduce stress, and boost your mood.

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Our Fans Love Restful

Meditones have an amazing ability to gently transport you to a deep place of peace and comfort leaving you feeling calm and connected.
Tahlee's voice envelops me in love + peace like a swirling blanket of light. I'm so in awe of how gentle yet utterly powerful her musical medicine is. I love meditones SO much.
Dr Danielle Arabena
Meditones will help you quieten your mind and your nervous system. You will enter a state of calm that will make every cell in your body rejoice!

Tailored for Neurodivergent Needs


Many mindfulness apps struggle to address the unique challenges faced by neurodivergent adults.

Our app features human-composed music backed by neuroscience to help you:

• improve focus

• sleep better

• relieve pain

• and calm sensory overload.

Restful is the perfect app for people who are autistic, highly sensitive, or ADHD.

Particularly those who have co-occurring conditions like migraine, insomnia, anxiety or c-PTSD.

The Science of Meditones

Meditones are ambient music plus binaural beats - precisely tuned frequencies of sound, combined to create a vibrating tone.

When you listen to this tone with headphones, the brain responds in a remarkable way.

Instead of processing the sound via the auditory cortex, the entire brain works in unison to create calm brain waves.

Similar to ones you produce during relaxation, deep meditation and restful sleep.

Which means, you can create calm brain waves, instantly - just with a pair of headphones.

The meditones effect works easily & naturally, every single time.

About the Restful Team

Made by & for neurodivergents

After completing a Bachelor of Music in 2001, Tahlee has dedicated her life to composing meditones. Her sacred wordless vocals & emotive sonic landscapes often move listeners to tears. Each piece of music is a feeling translated into sound. She's a multiply neurodivergent who is obsessed with dogs, forests, and neuroscience.

Harley has 20 years experience working in the software development field. He handles all the technical sides of the business, including development, design & fixing bugs. He loves his modular synth, cooking, & spending as much time in water as possible.